Information for wheelchair users
Phoenix Taxis are proud to offer wheelchair accessible taxis throughout the North East.
You must agree to the following terms of use to book a specialist wheelchair transportation vehicle with Phoenix Taxis, or we will not be able to provide you with this service. By booking with us by any means (including by phone, online, app, email or in person), you agree to the below terms of use.
Terms and Conditions of use of a vehicle to carry a wheelchair
Phoenix Taxis accept no responsibility for the safe transportation of customers using wheelchairs unless the wheelchair meets the current legal requirement to travel in vehicles.
1. Taxis booked by individual wheelchair users:
a. In the case of an wheelchair user booking a taxi; Phoenix Taxis abides the regulations of the Department of Transport which insist, “You (Wheelchair Users) must ensure that your wheelchair is in a safe condition to travel. This means, for example, making sure that it is correctly maintained, that the tyres are properly inflated, that you have not overloaded the back of the chair with bags (this can cause the chair to tip over backwards on a ramp)”.
b. If you have a powered chair you must also ensure that the battery is secure. If your chair has adjustable kerb climbers you should check that they are set so that they do not catch on the ramp.
c. The transport operator has the right to refuse to let you (wheelchair users) travel if they believe that your wheelchair is not in a safe condition. However, taxi drivers are not qualified to make on the spot assessments on the suitability of a wheelchair to travel in the taxi, and Phoenix Taxis accept no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred alighting the vehicle or when travelling. It is the responsibility of the wheelchair user or carer to make a decision on whether a wheelchair is suitable for transport.
2. Taxis booked by a another individual (on behalf of the wheelchair user), care home or Local Authority:
i. On occasions where another individual (on behalf of the wheelchair user), care home or Local Authority is responsible for arranging transport for a wheelchair user: it is the responsibility of that individual (on behalf of the wheelchair user), care home or Local Authority to ensure that the wheelchair travelling is safe to travel in.
ii. The individual (on behalf of the wheelchair user), care home or Local Authority should be compliant in checking that the tyres are suitably inflated and not worn, the footrests are in place, the wheelchair is suitable for outdoor use and the wheelchair is suitable for the weight and disability of the individual travelling.
iii. It is the responsibility of the individual, care home or Local Authority to ensure Phoenix Taxis are informed before a vehicle is sent if;
1. a chair is very big (taking up a space when an individual is in it of more than 700 mm wide or 1200 mm long)
2. the chair is very heavy
3. the individual needs to travel with your legs fully extended or the backrest reclined
4. the individual has a scooter (which will be difficult to manoeuvre and may be unstable in a vehicle).
If any injury is sustained during the journey with the wheelchair in situ, alighting or exiting the vehicle, Phoenix Taxis accept no responsibility for any injury sustained if the above terms and conditions have not been met.